Cada tutorial es una lección independiente que explica un aspecto específico de Mu para que tenga las habilidades necesarias para alcanzar sus objetivos de aprendizaje y codificación. Lo mejor de todo es que están escritos para ser educativos y entretenidos.
Todos los conceptos básicos que necesita saber para comenzar a dar los primeros pasos para usar Mu. Si solo lees una cosa, ¡hazlo!
Leer Nivel: Super Fácil
¿Qué son los modos? ¿Cómo se usan en Mu? Te mostramos cómo los modos te ayudan a hacer todo tipo de proyectos divertidos e increíbles.
Leer Nivel: Super Fácil
Leer Nivel: Super Fácil
Adafruit make amazing gizmos, circuit boards and mini-computers that run CircuitPython. This tutorial explains how it all works with Mu.
Leer Nivel: Fácil
The BBC micro:bit is a small thingamajig with buttons, lights and sensors. This tutorial shows how to use MicroPython to program it with Mu.
Leer Nivel: Fácil
Writing computer games is super easy and lots of fun with the amazing Pygame Zero and Mu. This tutorial gets you started.
Leer Nivel: Fácil
A REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) is a super powerful way to talk directly with your computer in Python code. This tutorial shows you how.
Leer Nivel: Intermedio
The debugger lets you run Python3 code, stop it while it's running, look at the state of your program and step through the code one line at a time.
Leer Nivel: Intermedio
Programs generate data. Data can be plotted in ways that make it easy to understand. This tutorial explains how Mu's simple built-in plotter works.
Leer Nivel: Intermedio
All the features of Mu can be activated with a keyboard shortcut so you don't need to move your hands from the keyboard to move a mouse.
Leer Nivel: Avanzado
Log files are a way to discover what Mu is doing in case anything goes wrong. It's also possible to configure some of Mu's behaviour.
Leer Nivel: Avanzado
As you'll see, computers mostly don't work. This tutorial shows you what to do with Mu when your code fails or, shock/horror, if Mu breaks.
Leer Nivel: Avanzado
If you need greater control of the way Mu behaves or you'd like to change some of the default settings, this tutorial explains the easy steps involved.
Leer Nivel: Avanzado
Mu helps you get started, but there will come a time when you will outgrow it. This tutorial explains your potential next steps.
Leer Nivel: Avanzado