Each tutorial is like a self-contained lesson, explaining a specific aspect of Mu so you have the skills needed to achieve your learning and coding goals. Most of all, they're written to be both educational and entertaining.
All the basics you need to know to get started and help with first steps in using Mu. If you only read one thing, make it this!
Read Level: SUPER EASY
What are modes? How are they used in Mu? We show how modes help you make all sorts of fun and awesome projects.
Read Level: SUPER EASY
Mu stores all your code in a special folder so it's always in the right place. This tutorial explains where and how to find it.
Read Level: SUPER EASY
Adafruit make amazing gizmos, circuit boards and mini-computers that run CircuitPython. This tutorial explains how it all works with Mu.
Read Level: EASY
The BBC micro:bit is a small thingamajig with buttons, lights and sensors. This tutorial shows how to use MicroPython to program it with Mu.
Read Level: EASY
Writing computer games is super easy and lots of fun with the amazing Pygame Zero and Mu. This tutorial gets you started.
Read Level: EASY
A REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) is a super powerful way to talk directly with your computer in Python code. This tutorial shows you how.
The debugger lets you run Python3 code, stop it while it's running, look at the state of your program and step through the code one line at a time.
Programs generate data. Data can be plotted in ways that make it easy to understand. This tutorial explains how Mu's simple built-in plotter works.
All the features of Mu can be activated with a keyboard shortcut so you don't need to move your hands from the keyboard to move a mouse.
Read Level: ADVANCED(ish)
Log files are a way to discover what Mu is doing in case anything goes wrong. It's also possible to configure some of Mu's behaviour.
Read Level: ADVANCED(ish)
As you'll see, computers mostly don't work. This tutorial shows you what to do with Mu when your code fails or, shock/horror, if Mu breaks.
Read Level: ADVANCED(ish)
If you need greater control of the way Mu behaves or you'd like to change some of the default settings, this tutorial explains the easy steps involved.
Read Level: ADVANCED(ish)
Mu helps you get started, but there will come a time when you will outgrow it. This tutorial explains your potential next steps.
Read Level: ADVANCED(ish)